AttractSPE®Disks 96 Plates para microelución

Ventajas combinadas de las placas de 96 pocillos y de las puntas de SPE para la limpieza de alto rendimiento de las puntas de etapa mediante la automatización

Discos de SPE de alta capacidad sorbente

Alta eficiencia

AttractSPE® Disks 96 Plate para microelución es una placa con 96 columnas de microSPE que contienen discos de SPE inmovilizados que permiten una limpieza de alto rendimiento con la preparación simultánea de 96 muestras. Gracias a esta pequeña cantidad de sorbente y a una alta eficiencia, se recupera casi el 100% de la muestra original. Cada pocillo de 400µL contiene 1-2mg de discos SPE con forma de punta de pipeta. Este es el producto ideal para llevar a cabo experimentos con 96 puntas de pipeta en un solo paso, permitiendo el fraccionamiento y la desalación con una velocidad muy alta.


Product Image Nombre del producto Description Precio del producto Acciones del carrito

AttractSPE® Disks HLB – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-HLB.T2.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well - 1 unit

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – WCX for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-WCX.T3.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane WCX - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – Silica for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-Si.T3.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane Silica - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SDB for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-DVB.T3.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane SDB - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – WCX for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-WCX.T2.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane WCX - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SCX for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-SCX.T3.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with SCX sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SAX for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-SAX.T3.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with SAX sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C8 for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-C8.T3.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C8 sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SDB for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-DVB.T2.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane SDB - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – Si for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-Si.T2.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane Silica - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – SCX for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-SCX.T2.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with SCX sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C8 for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-C8.T2.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C8 sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C4 for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-C4.T3.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C4 sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C4 for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-C4.T2.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C4 sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – RPS for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-RPS-M.T3.1

 96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with membrane RPS- Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE®Disks 96 plate – C18 for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-C18.T3.1

96 wellplates for molecular biology purpose with C18 sorbent - Well with shape of pipette tip, 1/pk

AttractSPE® Disks SDB-SAX – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-DVB-SAX.T1.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

AttractSPE® Disks WCX – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-WCX.T1.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

AttractSPE® Disks RPS – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-RPS-M.T1.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit 

AttractSPE® Disks Silica – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-Si.T1.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

AttractSPE® Disks RPS – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-RPS-M.T2.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit 

AttractSPE® Disks SDB – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-DVB.T1.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

AttractSPE® Disks SCX – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-SCX.T1.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

AttractSPE® Disks SAX – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-SAX.T1.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well - 1 unit

AttractSPE® Disks SAX – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-SAX.T2.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well - 1 unit

AttractSPE® Disks HLB – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-HLB.T1.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well - 1 unit

AttractSPE® Disks C8 – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-C8.T1.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

AttractSPE® Disks C18-SCX-C18 – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-C18-SCX-C18.T1.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

AttractSPE® Disks C4 – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-C4.T1.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

AttractSPE® Disks C18-SCX – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-C18-SCX.T1.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

AttractSPE® Disks C18 – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-C18.T2.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit

AttractSPE® Disks C18 – 96 wellplate for microelution

Ref. : µ96W-C18.T1.1

96 Wellplate with AttractSPE® Disk into tip shape well- 1 unit