
Qcleanup®, sales y productos SPE dispersivos para el tratamiento QuEChERS

QuEChERS es un pretratamiento de muestras desarrollado inicialmente por Michelangelo Anastassiades y Steven Lehotay utilizado principalmente para el análisis de múltiples pesticidas en frutas y verduras. Es el acrónimo de Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged ans Safe. En la actualidad se utilizan tres métodos principales: el método original, el método estandarizado europeo EN 15662 y el método oficial AOAC 2007.01. Cada método requiere un proceso de extracción con sales y un proceso de limpieza con cartuchos SPE o por SPE dispersivo.

AFFINISEP suministra todos los productos necesarios para llevar a cabo QuEChERS según la AOAC o el CEN, incluidos los productos de SPE dispersiva o los cartuchos de SPE.

Los productos Qcleanup® para SPE dispersiva son mezclas de polvo en tubos de centrifugación de 2mL o 15mL para los principales escenarios encontrados durante los análisis de pesticidas. Esta mezcla contiene una combinación de sulfato de magnesio anhidro (MgSO4), amina secundaria primaria (PSA), negro de humo (CB) o C18.


Product Image Nombre del producto Description Precio del producto Acciones del carrito

Qcleanup™dSPE for Pigmentes Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE-AOAC-PFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 50mg PSA + 50mg Carbon Black - 100/pk -2ml tubes

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for original method

Ref. : EXT.ORL.50

4g MgSO4 -1g NaCl - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for EN15662 method

Ref. : EXT.EN.50.50

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for EN15662 method - 1g Trisodium citrate Dihydrate 0.5g Disodium hydrogencitrate sesquihydrate 1g NaCl and 4g MgSO4 - 50 in tubes of 50mL

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for EN15662 method

Ref. : EXT.EN.50

1g Trisodium citrate Dihydrate - 0.5g Disodium hydrogencitrate sesquihydrate -1g NaCl and 4g MgSO4 - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for EN15662 method

Ref. : EXT.EN.CER.50.50

1g Trisodium citrate Dihydrate 0.5g Disodium hydrogencitrate sesquihydrate 1g NaCl, 4g MgSO4 and ceramic homogenizers in a 50ml tube - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : EXT.AOAC.50

1.5g Sodium Acetate and 6g MgSO4 - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ extraction salts for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : EXT.AOAC.50.50

1.5g Sodium Acetate and 6g MgSO4 in a 50mL tube - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE universal for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.Univ.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 50mg PSA + 7.5mg Carbon Black +50mg C18 - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for general Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.GFV.50.15

900mg MgSO4 + 150mg PSA - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for general Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.GFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 25mg PSA - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for general Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.GFV.50.15

1200mg MgSO4 + 400mg PSA - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for general Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.GFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 50mg PSA - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Pigmented Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.PFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 25mg PSA + 2.5mg Carbon Black - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Pigmented Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.PFV.50.15

900mg MgSO4 + 150mg PSA + 15mg Carbon Black in 15mL tube - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Pigmented Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.PFV.50.15

1200mg MgSO4 + 400mg PSA + 400mg Carbon Black - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Pigmented Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.PFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 50mg PSA + 50mg Carbon Black - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Highly Pigmented and Fatty Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.HPFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 25mg PSA + 7.5mg Carbon Black 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Highly Pigmented and Fatty Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.HPFV.50.15

900mg MgSO4 + 150mg PSA + 45mg Carbon Black - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Highly Pigmented and Fatty Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.HPFV.50.15

1200mg MgSO4 + 400mg PSA + 400mg Carbon Black + 400mg C18 - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Highly Pigmented and Fatty Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.HPFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 50mg PSA + 50mg Carbon Black +50mg C18 - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Fatty and Waxed Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.FWFV.50.15

900mg MgSO4 + 150mg PSA + 150mg C18 - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Fatty and Waxed Fruits and Vegetables for EN 15662 method

Ref. : dSPE.EN.FWFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 25mg PSA + 25mg C18 - 2mL - 100/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Fatty and Waxed Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.FWFV.50.15

1200mg MgSO4 + 400mg PSA + 400mg C18 - 15mL - 50/pk

Qcleanup™ dSPE for Fatty and Waxed Fruits and Vegetables for AOAC 2007.1 method

Ref. : dSPE.AOAC.FWFV.100.2

150mg MgSO4 + 50mg PSA + 50mg C18 - 2mL - 100/pk